The ever-popular Scoring Contest returns.
The Scoring Contest is a unique challenge for composers to submit music to a choice of film clips.
This year sees a UK-Vietnam bilateral challenge, delegates can choose from a Vietnamese film clip (Pao’s Forest) OR a Sheffield-based archive film clip (Park Hill).
Pao’s Forest
The movie tells the story of a young Hmong ethnic minority named Pao who got married at the age of 14 according to the customs of his hometown. When Pao grew up, he fell in love with another girl. Throughout the movie, he struggles between fulfilling the responsibilities of a son/husband in the family or giving up everything to follow the call of love.
Brief: The Director (Nguyen Pham Thanh Dat) suggests the score creates somewhat “uncomfortable” and “tormented” feelings for the audience. There is the option to incorporate local instruments from the Northwestern region of Vietnam to match the film settings.
Park Hill
Park Hill was Sheffield City Council’s first redevelopment scheme after the war. The iconic design was based on the deck-access principle – ‘streets in the sky’. The Estate was listed as a Grade II protected building in 1988 – the largest listed building in Europe.
The Standard 8 footage, made by an unknown filmmaker in 1962, acts as a comprehensive picture of the Estate and its inhabitants, vividly capturing aspects of the everyday life of the new residents, young and old.
Brief: The theoretical brief for this clip is to compose a new piece of music that matches the vibrant images and rhythmical editing. The judges are looking for an open and creative approach.
Footage courtesy of the Yorkshire & North East Film Archives.
The deadline for submissions is the end of play Wednesday 6 September 2023.
Submissions will be reviewed, with the aim to review a shortlist of 12 – 15, as part of the feedback session panel at SensoriaPro on Friday 6th October 2023.
All submissions will receive brief written feedback.
Part of the Cities in Sync project between Sensoria and Hanoi Rock City as part of the UK / Vietnam Season 2023.